29 Adult Pre-Bronze Women

11Joy Wong, Coyotes SC of Arizona13.42
22Patty Johnson, Coyotes SC of Arizona10.27
Judge 1Amelia Keene, Henderson, NV
Judge 2Kenneth Ames, Phoenix, AZ
Judge 3Barbara Zsorey, Chandler, AZ
Judge 4Jeannette Doney, Rio Verde, AZ
Judge 5Leslie Amacker, Denver, CO
RefereePatricia Wilkins, Tucson, AZ
Technical ControllerHal Marron, Phoenix, AZ
Technical Specialist 1Richard Perez, Mountain View, CA
Technical Specialist 2Robi Chalmers, Arvada, CO

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Thursday, Jul 13, 2023, 08:09 PM US Mountain Standard Time