30 Pre-Juvenile Plus Girls Excel Grp A

15Charlotte Vyborna, SC of Brewster24.76
27Elle Beauchamp, SC of New York24.66
34Caroline Winther, SC of New York24.37
41Ava Lollobrigida, SC of New York21.40
56Hailey Hipwood, Rye FSC19.80
62Evelyn Blasucci, Jersey Coast FSC19.73
73Sydney Bennie, Sikumi FSC17.71
Judge 1Julia Feng, Pleasanton, CA
Judge 2Shirley Taylor, Franklin, MA
Judge 3Cathy Bushman, North Aurora, IL
Judge 4Brook Tlougan, Bedford Corners, NY
Judge 5Nancy Harrington, Wallingford, CT
RefereeMichele Blatt, Brooklyn, NY
Technical ControllerKaren Terry Perreault, Wilton, CT
Technical Specialist 1Serguei Zaitsev, Troy, MI
Technical Specialist 2Tara Stamm, Oak Creek, WI

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Saturday, Apr 29, 2023, 12:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time