Junior Women

PlaceStartNameShort ProgramFree SkateTotal Score
118Sherry Zhang, Glacier Falls FSC166.471128.68195.15
216Annika Chao, Glacier Falls FSC262.422117.66180.08
319Cleo Park, Glacier Falls FSC454.743113.54168.28
420Keira Hilbelink, Portland ISC358.174105.05163.22
517Teryn Kim, Glacier Falls FSC550.17599.34149.51
613Ella Kim, St. Moritz ISC648.05783.82131.87
715Kate Pressgrove, FSC Of Park City943.04686.64129.68
812Sasha Giammarco, Los Angeles FSC843.44875.82119.26
911Maile Hilbelink, Portland ISC745.131171.68116.81
1014Skylar Urfrig, Los Angeles FSC1041.441071.88113.32
119Ashley Yang, Coyotes SC of Arizona1340.11972.36112.47
1210Joanna Lee, Peninsula SC1240.501267.99108.49
136Charlese Malaret, Individual Member1439.671367.66107.33
147Caroline Santaguida, St. Moritz ISC1141.341563.55104.89
158Cindy Lin, Centennial Park FSC1539.641465.08104.72
161Natalie Liu, Glacier Falls FSC1638.531861.4299.95
174Claire Cao, Carousel Sherwood FSC1834.451761.4695.91
185Shona Iwaya, All Year FSC1932.461662.0794.53
192Mimika Endo, Los Angeles FSC1734.611955.8390.44
203Stephanie Coe, Wenatchee FSC2030.172055.8185.98
Judge 1Sheren Chiang, San Mateo, CA
Judge 2George Chow, Portland, OR
Judge 3Dawn Eyerly, Los Angeles, CA
Judge 4Alison Hershberger-Filo, Bend, OR
Judge 5Joy Jin, San Francisco, CA
Judge 6Stephen Kawalko, Torrance, CA
RefereeCarylyn Landt, Alpine, CA
Technical ControllerMichelle Zeles-Hahn, Westminster, CO
Technical Specialist 1Julie Newman, Carlsbad, CA
Technical Specialist 2Scott Cudmore, Boca Raton, FL

Created by ijsLive 2.4.2

Saturday, Nov 11, 2023, 01:24 PM Pacific Standard Time